Let’s Talk about Transforming Trauma
A forum to talk about transforming early life trauma, what works, what doesn’t and the journey to recovery.
We want to share with you our very practical yet innovative journey to supporting trauma in childhood.
We will be talking about our own experiences of applying simple body-based tools to bring full body regulation, trauma processing and attachment building in the face of developmental trauma.
We will share what it has been like to apply simple movement and sensory solutions to transforming trauma and explaining why they work – i.e. what’s the theory behind what we have been doing. We will also demonstrate a few tools and introduce you to the techniques.
Andrea Richards MSc – An occupational therapist with specialisms in trauma, attachment building, sensory integration, and developmental movement
Michelle Herring MBE - A single adoptive parent to a child with SEN and developmental trauma, and a parent therapy 'provider'
Why are we doing this?
For the past two decades there has been a seminal shift in how society understands early life brain development and the neurobiology of trauma. This has been exciting and has now become part of mainstream culture with neurology terms becoming part of everyday language. The transition has been radical and exciting, yet many families still report that although they understand more about their child’s reactions, they still don’t feel equipped to manage it. Drawing on our experience of working together over the last few years we think it is time to equip families to move beyond the theory and have some very practical things they can do to support repair and rebuild.
Format of the session
This session is an introduction to an innovative way of working. We will be sharing our experience, discussing what works, demonstrating some techniques and taking questions.
It will be a taster session for a series of training workshops we will be running going forward. This 3-hour session will allow you to find out about our plan and see if this might be something you would like to take further and train in the techniques yourself. Michelle will be sharing what it was like to apply the techniques and how it has worked for her family.
Who is the session suitable for?
This is for anyone who wants to learn more about our practical approach to nervous system regulation, sensory and motor system integration and the underpinning knowledge base. It is suitable for parents, caregivers and health and social care professionals.
How to book
Dates for new sessions not yet released.
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